Data has transformed turfgrass management. Relatively new tools such as hand-held soil moisture meters have helped turfgrass managers improve irrigation decisions for over a decade. As we move into the next decade of water efficiency, in-ground senors like those from Spiio, allow turfgrass managers to constantly monitor soil temperature, moisture and salinity. That same data can also create new predictive models for pest control applications.

GreenKeeper App pairs weather and past application data with different agronomic models. In doing so, GreenKeeper clients report improved management efficiency and improved playability. First it was the PGR GDD models, but now GreenKeeper App has dozens of other models including Smith-Kerns Dollar Spot model, DMI GDD and growth potential models, ethephon timing, and spring weed control models. Ultimately, the goal is to use machine-learning (artificial intelligence) to create hyper-local pest control and growth models for all GreenKeeper users. Access to reliable and robust data will make that happen.
The partnership with Spiio will provide GreenKeeper clients access to additional models including root disease (i.e. take-all, summer patch and large patch), herbicide application timing guidance, and even metrics of plant health. These pests can be problematic because treatment is usually required before the symptoms are observed. For example, a research green at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln suffered from widespread take-all patch this last summer. The root damage from this disease likely occurred during the fall of 2019. These new models powered by Spiio data will help keep turfgrass managers aware of unseen problems.

It is easy to link your Spiio account to GreenKeeper. Simply find the API Key and copy it into GreenKeeper. Here’s a link to the simple instructions. After the key is saved, the soils data starts to stream into GreenKeeper. The goal is to have root and preemergence herbicide models in this new Spiio feature by the next growing season. Until then, monitor the soil data from Spiio on the GreenKeeper homepage and prepare to act this fall. The Chemical Control of Turfgrass Disease 2020 document provides useful temperature ranges and management strategies for diseases such as take-all, summer patch, large patch and spring dead spot. The chemical control recommendations in this document also drive Application Advisor in GreenKeeper Premium.
To learn more about Spiio’s technology and their partnership with GreenKeeper, read this blog article or visit their website.