Management of soil organic matter (SOM) accumulation is a primary concern for turf managers. Cultivation practices including topdressing, aeration, verticutting and DryJect sand injection are used to manage SOM, but how often are these practices required? GreenKeeper App now provides loss-on-ignition SOM testing at three different depths (OM246). Those results are then used to predict SOM accumulation over the next three years based on weather and cultivation intensity.
Users can purchase tests directly from the Course Test page, create a new test entry with sample location, and print the sample and shipping labels for the three depths per location. We recommend taking 10 soil core (3/4 inch diameter) from a representative green or athletic field. Here’s the sampling procedure:
- Section each of the 10 cores into three depths. We recommend 1-0, 1-2 & 2-3 inches or 0-2, 2-4 & 4-6 cm.
- Combined samples of similar depths into three different plastic bags.
- Attach the sample labels to the bags.
- Box up all the samples and ship them to the lab with the provided shipping label.
- View the result in the Cultivation Planning Tool with GreenKeeper App’s Program Builder a couple weeks later.

The Cultivation Planning Tool allows users to see how different types and intensities of cultivation will influence the accumulation of SOM over a period of three years. These estimates are generated from an advanced model developed through years of research by Dr. Ed McCoy (Ohio State) and Jeff Broadbelt (DryJect). Stop guessing how much sand topdressing and cultivation is required each year. Measure SOM with GreenKeeper today and have confidence that your SOM management program is helping you achieve your goals.
Register for a free GreenKeeper App trial at
DMI growing degree day models: Is there a model that for Denmark?
Kim, the DMI models are based on the active ingredient and not the product name. As long as the ingredient is added to a Denmark product, the GDD model will work.