Labor shortages continue to be a major threat to the turf management industry. Field managers, golf course superintendents, and LCOs from around the country have struggled to find and retain qualified turfgrass professionals at all levels. Many managers have to increase their labor budget to compete with other industries, while faced with the uncertainty of rising seed, fertilizer, and equipment costs in 2022.

Technology and education have the potential to ease these challenges. While GreenKeeper can help turf facilities efficiently manage resources, GreenKeeper University can help train all levels of turf managers. Invest in your own education this off-season, and train your staff with the many courses and certificates available in GreenKeeper University.

Take your education to the next level with advanced GreenKeeper university courses

There’s always more to learn in a field like turf science and management. The 19 Advanced Courses in GreenKeeper University are taught by experts in their fields of plant science, entomology, soil science, turf pathology and weed science. These courses cover their topic areas with a level of detail that cannot be addressed in short seminars or one-day classes. The Advanced Courses range from three to nine weeks and contain two hours of lectures plus one hour of live discussion each week. Earn 18 credits to obtain a diploma from GreenKeeper University.

See all of the advanced courses at and click Advanced Courses.

Management and Communication Training Added in 2022

New in 2022, Michael D. Morris, CGCS of Crystal Downs CC will be teaching three courses in communication and management. Effective management and clear communication may seem like “second nature” for some, however, much like the golf swing, these disciplines involve continued learning and practice for improvement and success. This three-part series of workshops will explore the key concepts of management and communication in order to sharpen your professional skill set. The management component of this course will involve reading and writing about contemporary management science and theory. The communication emphasis for this course is organized around the “communication triangle” by focusing first on the communicator, then on the message, and finally on the audience.

Courses are StaRting Soon. EnROLL Today!

The first three Advanced Courses of GreenKeeper University begin the week of Monday, November 29th. These include “Programming PGR Applications” with Bill Kreuser, PhD, “The ABCs of Putting Green Management” with Thom Nikolai, PhD and “Using and Understanding Soil Testing” with Doug Soldat, PhD. The other courses begin on January 10, 2021. Invest in your crew and your career today.