GreenKeeper App is a decision support tool that was designed exclusively for the turfgrass management industry. It helps managers track applications, select PGR and pest control products, log cumulative fertilizer inputs and provides pesticide rotation management guidance. This past winter, our team of developers have been working hard to create or improve many of the features within GreenKeeper. The NEW Product Summary page helps managers see how the different applications and products are used across their property. It also provides guidance related to the cost of each application and even the cost of the products within an application.

It is easy to use this new Application Summary feature because it references the applications records you’ve already added to track applications of fertilizers, PGRs, pest control and other turf management products. The Summary page uses the prices that are added when logging your product inventory in GreenKeeper. This inventory feature can be found on the Management Products page by clicking the blue checkbox button.

The inventory dialogue box allows GreenKeeper users the flexibility to define the size of individual containers (i.e. 2.5 gallon jug, 8 oz water soluble packet, 50 lbs fertilizer bag), define the number of containers per case and enter the number of cases purchased. Users can then enter the price of the product – either in total, per case, or per individual container. The Application Summary page will then calculate the cost of the product in every application.

Prepare for the 2021 growing season by adding your new product inventory from last year’s EOP purchases to your GreenKeeper course. Next fall, use the summary data from this growing season to simplify purchase decisions for the next round of EOP promotions. We plan to expand the Summary page to filter by individual product usage and group products by manufacture to further simplify this process. Use the data generated and organized by GreenKeeper to help improve the efficiency of your turfgrass management operation this year.