by Greenkeeper | Sep 27, 2023 | Blog
Superintendents and field managers need to hold a mental map of their property in their heads. They know which spots are first to wilt, where disease pressure is highest, and the locations of perennial pests requiring preventative treatment. Those observations are...
by Greenkeeper | Sep 14, 2023 | Blog
Love it or hate it, Early Order Program season has returned. Personally, l’m relieved to have survived another hot Nebraska summer. The last thing I want to think about is the plan for next year. Still, the discounts, rebates and rewards can be tough to pass up each...
by Bill Kreuser | Aug 24, 2023 | Blog
It’s the middle August and many turfgrass plants are feeling as tired as their turfgrass managers. The recent extreme heat is taxing cool-season grasses like ryegrass, bluegrasses and bentgrass while summer weeds like goosegrass, foxtail and crabgrass are thriving....
by Bill Kreuser | Jul 18, 2023 | Blog
For years, golf course superintendents have asked the question to their greens mowing crew, “How much grass did you get today?” Common answers usually included “a lot” or “a little” or maybe more precisely how many times they needed...
by Bill Kreuser | May 25, 2023 | Blog
We have been advocating daily measurement of growth rate on highly maintained turfgrass to improve management precision. Clipping volume measurements provide actionable data to help guide PGR applications and evaluate the efficiency of a fertilization program. But how...
by Bill Kreuser | Mar 22, 2023 | Blog
The word is getting out. Data collection and analysis can improve turf management efficiency. The team at GreenKeeper are excited to bring artificial intelligence and mower-mounted sensors to the turf management industry in 2023. These forms of data and analysis will...