Moving Beyond PGR GDD Intervals
For nearly 15 years, Dr. Doug Soldat and I have been creating growing degree day (GDD) models for plant growth regulators (PGRs) and now DMI fungicides. These sinewave shaped models predict how these routinely applied products affect the relative growth rate of...
Be Careful with Fall Growth Regulation
Fall weather is coming, and that should bring changes to your plant growth regulator applications. For over a decade, we've known that PGRs - and even DMI fungicides - produce longer growth suppression during cooler weather. This is why we use growing degree day (GDD)...
Application Summary Aids EOP Planning
Early fall can be a stressful time of year for golf course superintendents and field managers. Staffing levels start to decline as students head back to school, the summer stress doesn't seem to end, and Early Order Programs for pest control products, wetting agents...
Mixing PGRs can transform your putting greens
Doug Soldat and I have been developing PGR growing degree day (GDD) models since 2008. These models have helped turfgrass managers understand how clipping yield - a.k.a. ClipVol - is affected by a single PGR application. They also provide golf course superintendents,...
Soil Organic Matter Models Aid Cultivation Scheduling
Managing soil organic matter (SOM) is a primary concern for turfgrass managers. Unfortunately, changes in SOM through cultivation happen over the course of months and years. This makes it difficult for managers to know if they are on the right track to achieve their...
How much did that application cost?
GreenKeeper App is a decision support tool that was designed exclusively for the turfgrass management industry. It helps managers track applications, select PGR and pest control products, log cumulative fertilizer inputs and provides pesticide rotation management...