Predict wilt hours before it strikes: Proof of Concept

The turf industry has embraced various technologies to improve irrigation efficiency. Hand-held moisture meters have replaced pocketknives. Mower-mounted sensors help turf managers detect soil moisture variability, while in-ground sensors relentlessly monitor changes...

Smart Irrigation Strategies to Save Water

Water conservation is a top priority in the golf industry, as superintendents seek innovative ways to maintain high-quality turf while reducing overall irrigation. It is an active area of research and development at GreenKeeper, too. Advances in technology now allow...

Understanding Clipping Volume: How to and Why Explained

Measuring clipping volume is one of the simplest yet most impactful practices in turfgrass management. This straightforward process provides valuable insights into plant growth, nutrient uptake, and overall turf health. There is no more actionable piece of data for...

Target Pests and Save with GreenKeeper CIS

Turfgrass sprayer systems with GPS guidance can do more than reduce over-spray. These high tech platforms can be used to precisely target specific pests on your course or fields. The mapping software within GreenKeeper CIS makes it easy for users to map pest...

Shade Management is Growth Management

Turf growing under shade stress is difficult to manage. Most grass species evolved in sunny growing environments. That means shorter day lengths and lower sun elevations during the fall can quickly lead to problems. The cause is simple, really. Energy in (sunlight) is...

Grow-in Guidance: Tools to Track Overseeding Progress

The process of seeding newly renovated turf areas or overseeding dormant bermudagrass can be stressful. Golf course and sports fields operators need these surface back in-play quickly. Turf managers are tasked with several decisions regarding seed variety and pricing,...

Mad-Tiller Disease

Bacterial etiolation or "Mad-Tiller" disease is a very frustrating growth disorder that has perplexed many turfgrass managers and researchers. While the Kerns and Vargas labs have independently shown the rapid leaf growth rate is most likely the result of bacterial...

When Half an Inch Is Not

Not all precipitation events are created equal. That was definitely the case in Southeast Nebraska during the last week of July 2024. The high temperatures had been around 100F with dew points were in the 70s. Any storm that develops during those conditions can...

HOW-TO Guide: Water Resource Planner

The Water Resource Planner in GreenKeeper App is the most powerful irrigation scheduling tool in the professional turfgrass management market. It uses advance agronomic and meteorological models to predict changes in soil moisture with hourly resolution. While the...

Nightly Irrigation Guidance Comes to GreenKeeper App

It's always a tough call. Should we irrigate tonight or stretch it another day? Make the wrong decision and you'll be hand-watering wilt tomorrow afternoon. So you decide to water, but how many minutes are required? Over-watering not only wastes water and money, but...
PGR Resistance During Summer Heat?

PGR Resistance During Summer Heat?

It's been hot and humid, and many golf course putting greens are growing rapidly. Plant growth regulator programs that were dialed-in during May and June appear to be non-existent during July. Growth rate is surging, green speeds are declining, and puffy conditions...

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Cold Spring Weather Wreak Havoc on Spray Programs

Cold Spring Weather Wreak Havoc on Spray Programs

Spring can be a frustrating season for many in the golf industry. Golfers, Club Professionals, GMs, and owners want to escape the winter doldrums and return to their predestine golf courses with firm and fast conditions. Unfortunately, the weather doesn't always...

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Winterkill Recovery Techniques

Winterkill Recovery Techniques

There are more reports of turfgrass winterkill from around the US. At first, we thought most of the damage was limited to winter desiccation in the Central Great Plains. Unfortunately, we've received reports from coast to coast. Zac Reicher, PhD from Bayer...

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P is for Purple

P is for Purple

Last spring, a handful of the research putting green plots at OJ Noer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison were showing some pretty impressive signs of phosphorus deficiency. The OJ Noer research facility gives us the opportunity to push grass to its limits. About...

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Don’t Let the Tail Wag the Dog

Don’t Let the Tail Wag the Dog

Many factors influence turfgrass growth rate. Some are beyond the manager's control while others are frequently manipulated through normal management. Environmental factors including the recent weather and soil conditions, turfgrass genetics, traffic levels and even...

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Invest in Yourself & Your Staff this Off-Season

Invest in Yourself & Your Staff this Off-Season

Labor shortages continue to be a major threat to the turf management industry. Field managers, golf course superintendents, and LCOs from around the country have struggled to find and retain qualified turfgrass professionals at all levels. Many managers have to...

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