by Bill Kreuser | Sep 4, 2024 | Blog
Bacterial etiolation or “Mad-Tiller” disease is a very frustrating growth disorder that has perplexed many turfgrass managers and researchers. While the Kerns and Vargas labs have independently shown the rapid leaf growth rate is most likely the result of...
by Bill Kreuser | Aug 6, 2024 | Blog
Not all precipitation events are created equal. That was definitely the case in Southeast Nebraska during the last week of July 2024. The high temperatures had been around 100F with dew points were in the 70s. Any storm that develops during those conditions can...
by Bill Kreuser | Mar 7, 2024 | Blog
I can assure you that this simple task, taking less than one minute each day, will provide valuable insight that directly impacts agronomic decisions. It is the most valuable piece of data that I collect, and it’s my biggest pet peeve when it’s skipped. This...
by Bill Kreuser | Jan 17, 2024 | Blog
Access to GPS-equipped technologies have exploded in the turfgrass management industry over the past decade. These technologies monitor soil moisture, measure turf health, and improve application precision. The rise of GPS-enabled sprayers offer the potential to...
by Bill Kreuser | Dec 14, 2023 | Blog
There are literally hundreds of soil wetting agents in the turfgrass management industry. Some are marketed to retain water while others to move it. Some claim to increase surface firmness while others supposedly reduce firmness. Labeled re-application intervals range...