The process of seeding newly renovated turf areas or overseeding dormant bermudagrass can be stressful. Golf course and sports fields operators need these surface back in-play quickly. Turf managers are tasked with several decisions regarding seed variety and pricing, timing of applications and cultural practices, and seeding rates. It is also important to document grow-in milestones like seeding, germination, and re-opening dates to assess what worked and can be changed for next time. The new overseed tracking tool within GreenKeeper App’s Program Builder Calendar is here to help organize and document your renovation.

GreenKeeper users can add milestones, notes and even store pictures of seed labels, processes, and successes and setback during estabilshment. Add those spreader setting to the Seeding milestone and include images and prices of the seed. Take a picture of the Germination or First Mow milestones and log the date of those milestones. Was there a washout after a heavy rain or slow germination because of colder-than average temperatures? This is a great tool to document those issues.

These notes and images can be used to develop member content, blogs, or websites. They are also an easy way to review your program and process for the next renovation/overseed season. Try it for yourself on the Program Builder page of GreenKeeper App.

Start a 7-day trial today at Need more time? Reach out and we are happy to extend it.